diverse tymes before this in prison, bothe at Gales and in other
places of this realme, whiche also now at his last taking hath
hurt one other preest and put him in dainger of his lif. I have
examned this preest in al thes matiers, whiche in effect wol
confesse nothing to me, but referreth himself to the bylles, and
said he wold aunswere to thaim when he myght see thaim ; and
he denieth the pulling downe of the said writinges and seales,
whiche matier, at my going to Caunterburie, when I com to
Maidestone I wol more ripely examine, and send yor good grace
more knowlege thereof. At my manor of Otford, the xvjttl day
of Juny [1522].
At yor gracis commaundement,
To the mooste reverende father in Goddc, and
my singuler good lord, my lord cardinal and legate a latere is
good lordships.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Protesting against stabling the King's horses in the monastery of
Pleace it yor moost honorable grace to understand that I
hiresay by reaport, that a servaunt of the Kinges grace is come
to Canturbery at the commaundement of the Kinges Counsell
(as he saith) to have stabilling for the Kinges horses, to be kept
at lyvery wtin the monastery of my Churche of Canturbery,
shewing no letters of the Kinges grace, or other writinges
the said commaundement. Suer I am that the Kinges
hieghnes and yor grace, well enformed of the great charges that
the said monastery hath ben and moost daily be put unto, wolbe
well contented to spare the same frome any suche maner
charges. For the said monastery hath been so burdend wt receyving and intertaynyng bothe of the Kinges
graces moost noble ambasitors and other princes, and of other
honorable personages passing by that way, beside the Kinges
grace and thEmperor's late being ther, besyde also fynding of
men to war, above gret subsidies and great loneys, that if suche
charges or other lyke shuld contynue, the same naought after