be utterly decayed, which I wold be very lothe to see in my tyme. And I trust veryly that yor grace, for
the gret
that yor grace oweth to Christes Churche and to the blessed matir1 Sainct Thomas, wolbe contented of yor goodnes to putt
some remedy that noo suche newe charges be enduced ; but wilbe
so gratious to yor religiouse bedemen there, as to discharge
thayme therof, specially wher the said monastery standyth far
of frome the Kinges grace contynuall abode, to kepe any lyvery
of horse commodyousely for the Kinges grace use ; and also
bicause it was never seen hertofor that any suche lyvery hathe
been kept in the said monastery by the Kinges graces dayes or
any of his noble progenitors. I beseche God to send yor grace
as good helthe and as gret honor in yor jorney, boothe going
and commyng, as yor hart can desier, and as I trust verely yor
grace shall have, seing yor entent is so good and so godly. At
Otford, the fyveth day of July [1522] .
At yor graces commaundement,
Indorsed : To the moost Reverende father in God, and my
very singuler good lord, my lord Cardinall of Yorke and legat
de latere his good grace,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Thanks the Cardinal for the friendly spirit in which he has
the present the Archbishop had seat him, as well as for the costly
the Cardinal had sent to the shrine of St. Thomas, Has received by
Sampson the Lutheran hooks, and the MSS. of "Wicliffe,
containing no less
dangerous and pestilent heresy. Will examine them at Otford, and
the day after his return to Lambeth (April 11th), will consult with
the Cardinal. Rejoices that England has so orthodox a sovereign as Henry VIII.)
Reverendissime in Ohristo Pater et Domine, Domine mi
debitam commendationem vestraa reverendissimaa
paternitatis literas humanitatis plenas libenter accepi legique
libentissime, quaa me profecto maxima affecere yoluptate. Quod
autem dignatur Reverendissima Dominatio vestra munusculum meum, ad eandem jamdudum transmissum, (quod certe perexiguum
neque tanto patre satis dignum extiterat), tarn benigne
1 Sic in orig.