leysure, to se and ponder al the said depositions, as yor grace shall think it best, and moost expedient. At my manor of
Croidon, the xxviiijth day of Marche, [1521.]
At your gracis commaundement,
Indorsed: To the moost Reverende father in God, and my
special good Lord, my Lord Cardinalle of York and Legate de
latere is good grace.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Has called the clergy together of his peculiars and the parts
and has exhorted them to set a good example in complying with the
King's demand for a subsidy. Finds but "small towardness" in them:
such as be connected with conventual foundations are very sore and
grumbling, because "of such houses as be now newly
suppressed." Advises
forbearance, as it is not good policy "to broach too many
of displeasure at once.")
Pleace it yor grace to understande that now of late I called
before me, by vertue of the Kinges graces most honorable letters,
the clergie of a good parte of my peculiars, and some other
deaneryes nigh adyonyng unto me. In whome when (aftr the
reding of the preamble of the Kinges graces instructions, and
affcr all other exhortations that I could devise and speke unto
thaym), I found but small towardnes to thentent that they
shuld not be example to other to refuse and denye the graunte
required, and for the respecte of the holynes of this tyme of
Easter, in which it was not convenient to bynd thayme to
frome thaire cures, I have geven thayme a farther
day, the Thursday in the Easter weke.
I have hadd communication wt the most parte of the heddes
of religiouse houses, possessioners wtin Kent, whiche have
by mouthe, that by reason of povertie they be not able
to contribute as they be required. Notw'standing inasmoch as
they hadd conventes annexed unto thayme, wtout whome they
thowght they might not make any resolute aunswer in that
behalfe, they desired respite, to have communication wt thair
brethren, whiche I have graunted thayme, advising thayme to
loke more depely and more substancially on the matier, and to