make a better aunswer in avoiding of farther daunger. I assure
yor grace that suche as be of the religion, of suche howses
as be nowe newely suppresed, grudgeth sore therat, whether it
wer better or no to spare the preceding ferther therin tyll this
greate matier of the kinges grace be ended. I referr it to yor
grace, albeyt it hath been thowght good policye, in tymes past,
not to broche to many matiers of displeasur at ons.
My chancellor hath been in other places of Kent to practise
wt the clergy for ther graunte; and what he hath found therin,
this berar, my servaunte, William Potken, which was present wt hym in every place, may at large enforme yor grace, if it
shall pleace the same to geve hym audience, to whom I desier
yor grace to geve credence in this behalfe. I have nowe writen
to yor grace concernyng bothe the spiritualtie and temporaltie
of such thinges as be don already. If I wer present wt yor
grace, I could shewe no more as yet, as I shall further hire and
see, so in this matier I shall advertise yor grace from tyme to
tyme. At Otford, the xijth day of Aprile, [1528.]
At yor graces commaundment,
Indorsed: To the most Reverend father in God, and my
verey singuler good lord, my Lord Cardinal of Yorke and legate de latere his good grace.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Complains that he is disquieted in his jurisdiction by the
officers, contrary to law: begs that Wolsey will look to this, as
he has
often promised to take away no part of the jurisdiction of the
who thinks that this is done without the Cardinal's cognizance.)
Pleace it your most honorable grace to understand that your
Officers, as Doctor Dolman wt other, very busiely inquietith me
and my jurisdiction, specially of my courte of Audience of
causes, apperteynyng to me in the right of my church, bireason
of the legacy graunted to the same, thorowgh their inhibitions
calling almaner of causes out of my handes and of my said court,
being their at the sute of parteis, or of mere office, or of
of any party. And so at length, the same contynued,
my jurisdiction of my audience shuld be extincted. Wherein,