as far as my powr lernyng serveth me, I am grevid otherwise
than the lawe wold, as I doubt not but that other lerned in the
lawe woll affirme, if they be required, and woll speke
according to thair lernyng.
It hath pleaced your grace to say unto me dyverse tymes
heretofore that ye wold take away no parte of the jurisdiction
of my church of Canturbery. And I thinke verely that this is
attempted wtout your graces mynd and knowlege, and that your
grace is and wolbe so good and favorable as to suffer me and
my church to enyoy our lawfull rightes accordingly, and that
your grace woll commaund your said Officers to wt drawe the
said attemptates, or at the leste to commaund thaym no farther
to precede in thoes same, tyll I may attende on your grace and
make ferther sute unto you therin presently, which shalbe the
nexte terme, by the grace of our Lorde. Which, if it may
pleace your good grace to do at this my powr requeste, I shall
thinke meselfe moche bound to the same in that behalve, as I
am many other wayes, For which God rewarde your grace wher
I am not able. And if ther be any service or pleasur that I
can do to your grace, it shalbe ready at your commaundment.
At Otforde, the xxvjth day of February, [1519 ?]
At your graces commaundment,
Indorsed: To the moste Reverend father in God, and my
very singuler good lorde, my lord Cardinall of Yorke, legate de
latere, his good grace.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(In commendation of Master Doctor Tunstall, "a man of good
virtue, and sadness," just appointed to the See of London.)
In my moost humble and moost hertie wise I commende me
to yor good grace. And where I am informed that it hathe
pleaced the Kinges moost noble grace to name to the bisshopriche
of London maister Cutbert Tunstall, maister of the Rolles,
at yor gracis speciall commendation, furtheraunee, and promotion,
I thank yor good grace therefor, as hertly as I can; and
in my power opinion yor grace could not have owed yor favor