moch as the said persons of small substaunce be farr moo in
nomeber than the other sorteis bee, which indescrete multitude
it shalbe verey hard to ordre, bicause multitudes comonly be
more ruled after thaire own. selfe wilfulnes than after
good reason
or discretion, and some woll fall in to fumes, and so fallen
woll not be ruled by other persons, nether can or woll well rule
or ordre thaymselves, we desier yor grace to know yor mynd
and pleasure, whether ye shall thinke it best to assemble thaym,
whome if we shuld call befor us, we suppose we shall hare moche
busynes wt thayme, and litle profecte shall ensue therof to the
Kinges hieghnes.
Item, the Kinges graces said subjectes dwellith far
and the nomber of theym is greate. Some of theym having
skante money to bring theymselves to Canterbery or other
places wher we haue appoinoted to sitt, will sore grudge to labor, so farr leiving thair
husbanndry. And whether it shall
stand wt yor graces pleasur that the Kinges graces Comissioners,
which have devided theymselves in to diverse hundredes,
shall or no sitte by vertue of the Kinges graces comission (whiche they have now in the said hundredes to theym
allotted, and call befor theym such persons as be under the some
of xli., as is abovesaid, we pray yor grace that we may knowe
yor graces advise and counsaill. And in caas it shalbe yor
graces pleasure, that the said comissioners may sitte as is
thesaid greate nombre shall assemble in diverse places,
and not to gether, in avoyding ther greate expenses, coostes,
and charges. And the rather it shall pleace yor grace to
us of yor graces pleasur, the soner and better this matier
shalbe handled.
Finally, the comon fame and brute of theis parteis is that
the Kingges Hieghnes hath remytted the paymentes of such
somes of money as wer demaunded of the Kinges graces subjectes
of the Citie of London, which fame and brute, as it is thowght, hath doon litle good here.
Item, we have sent unto yor grace the coopy of suche our
lettres as we have sent unto the Kinges hieghnes. At Cantbery, the third day of May, [1525 ?]
At yor graces comaundment,