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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858   page 27

Archbishop Warham's Letters (1518? to 1528?), (from H. M. State Paper Office)

   Indorsed: To the most Reverend father in God, and our verey singular good Lord, Lord Cardinal of Yorke and Legate de Latere his good grace.

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   (Will do his best to induce the clergy to contribute a sixth to the King's use; sees however there is as great untowardness in this behalf in the clergy as in the laity; rather more. Is hardly pressed for money himself, as his farmers cannot obtain his rents, and he has already paid, upon privy seals, 2500 marks, for which he has not been reimbursed. Hopes that the same favour which has been extended to his fellow-commissioners in Kent, will be granted to himself.)
   Pleace it yor grace to understand that I have received yor kynde letters, writen at Hampton Courte, the va day of this present moneth; by the which I perceye that wher the Kinges grace hertofore demaunded of the clergy the thirde parte of their revenues, his highnes wilbe nowe contented to have the vja' parte of the said revenues : in the which mater yor grace desireth to knowe myne opinion. My Lord, except I mought perceve som towardenes in the clergy for making of this graunte, it shuld be hard for me to shewe myne opinion therin. Howbeit by suche communication as I have had lately with diverse religiose persons towhomthe Kinges graces letters were directed for this cause, and also by their aunswers delivered to me in writing, which aunswers, aftr my returne to Otford, I shal send to yor grace, I perceve more intowardenes than towardenes in this behalve, and like wise in other the clergy. Notw'standing I shalbe glad to induce theym to graunte the said vjth parte asmuche as I can, and to doo al other thinges according to the tenor of yor graces said letters.
   My lorde, I thinke yor graces opinion in the premisses to be good, if the religiose men and the clergy wold be induced to condescend to the same. "Wherto that they may inclyne, I shal use al meanes possible after my pouer wytte. Howbeit I see not but that ther is as grete intowardenes in the said religiose men and clergy as in the temporaltie, and rather more, and specialy religiose men which (as they sayeth) have solde their plate and jowelles, and som have layed their landes to morgage, and some

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