have solde the landes of the churche, clerely
allegeth. mervailose
grete povertie.
As touching yor graces writing for payeng of my parte to the
Kinges grace at this tyme : My Lord, for the service that I
owe to his grace, I woold be as glad (as any subject of his
highnes, as I have alwayes be,) to helpe his grace at this tyme
with that summe that I might conveniently ber, though it wer
gretely to my peyne; howbeit, considering the charges of the
keping of my h.owse, and the payeng alredy of the loone money,
amounting to the summe of mlml and vc markes, for the repayment
wherof I have certeyn private seales, whereby I was promised
to be repayed long befor this tyme, and as yet am not payed; considering also the reparations of places and landes
belonging to my churche, which woold fall downe if the same
wer not forthwith, repaired, and also other grete charges to me
necessarily belonging, besides the money graunted by the last
convocation, which money by me to be payed ammounted to no
litle summe; and also considering the charges that I have
in tymes past, and nowe have by reason of the Kinges graces
commissions concernyng temporal causes; and that at now my
beeing in these parties, my Receivors cowde receve of my firmars
for my dimid yeres rent due at Eastr last no mor money but xxijll which firmars allegeth grete
povertie, affirming that they
be not able to pay to the Eanges grace the money graunted at
the last parliament1 it is very harde for me nowe at this time
to pay the said demaunde. Albeit, as long as I have money, I
shalbe contented to departe to his grace asmuche as I may, and
more. Please it yor grace to knowe that her is grete exclamation,
in al this cuntrey, aswel amonges the spiritualtie as
the temporaltie, of very muche povertie and charistie of money.
Wher yor grace writeth that the Kinges grace trusteth that
I wilbe contented to pay the hole summe of money by me to
be payed, mentioned in his graces lettres to me addressed:
my lorde, I assur yor grace that as toohing any graunte of any
summe of money by me to be payed, I received no letters from
the Kinges grace, but I receved diverse letters from his
directed to diverse religiose persons of this my dioces, which
letters I have delivered accordingly; and what summe was
on myne hed yor grace best knoweth., howbeit I am not perfectly
remembred therof.
1 A.D. 1523