larger lands in Mr. Gibbs's collection, as well as in those of
Faussett and Mr. Rolfe, are equivalent to the Roman pilum; the
smaller and slighter represent the framea mentioned by
Tacitus1 as inseparable from the German warrior. Of the
latter an excellent example is afforded in that which we took from
the grave excavated in the cemetery upon the summit of the down at
You will not fail to observe that among the
sepulchral remains acquired by Mr. Gibbs are some which are Roman.
This is not an unusual occurrence, especially in the vicinity of
the sites of Roman towns and villages. The Saxons appear to have
selected in such cases the burial-places of their predecessors: a
fact of some weight in a review of the general information we are
obtaining from these discoveries, and in the deductions and
conclusions they may reasonably supply. Such conclusions will be
best promoted by a careful accumulation of facts, which are the
groundwork and basis of all sciences: and archaeology is a
science, and as a science it should be estimated and studied.
With every good wish, and with a full appreciation of
the services you have rendered and are so zealously rendering to
Believe me, my clear Sir,
Yours sincerely,
Temple Place, Strood, July 26, 1858.
To the Rev. L. B. Larlring,
Hon. Sec. Kentish Archaeological Society.
1 " Hastas, vel
ipsorum vocabulo frameas gerant, angusto et brevi forro,
sed ita acri, et ad usum habili, ut eodem telo, prout ratio poscit,
vel cominus vel eminus pugnent; et eques quidem scuto frameaque
contentus est." —Do Mor. Germ. c. vi.