number of plea rolls of the Castle-gate Court,
and a very large quantity of the Castle muniments and
There is also at Surrenden an agreement between Sir
Edward and other eminent antiquaries of the day, in which they
constitute themselves a "Society of Antiquaries," and
draw up rules for their government. It is in the autograph of Sir
Edward Bering, as follows:—
'' Antiquitas Rediviva.
" Att a chapter held ye first of May, Ano
Dni 638, by the [Schollers] Students of Antiquity whose names are
underwritten, itt was agreed, and concluded upon, to hold, keepe,
and with best credite to preserve these articles following, viz.:—
"1°. Imprimis, That every one do helpe and
further each others studyes and endeavours, by imparting and
communicating (as time and other circumstances may permitt) all
such bookes, notes, deedes, rolles, etc., as he hath; for
ye expediting whereof, and that each may knowe what to borowe of
other, for his best use and behoofe, itt is first concluded and
promised eache to send unto other a prfect inventory and catalogue
of all
such notes, bookes, collections, etc., as they now have.
" 2°. Item, That no prson of this
society do shewe or otherwise make knowen this or any ye like
future agreement, nor call in, nor promise to call in, any other
person to this society, w'hout a particular consent first had of
all this present society.
" 3°. Item, That every one do severally gather
all observable collections wch he can, concerning ye foundation of
any religious house, or castle, or publicke worke, and all
memorable notes for historical!, illustration of this kingdome; or
yo geneologicall honour of any family therein: especially
concerning ye countyes of Kent, Huntingdon, Northampton, and
"Warwicke: and yo same to communicate unto such of this
society who is
most interessed therein.
"4°. Item, That every one do carefully and
faythfully observe and recorde all persons which have beene
dignifyed with ye title of knighthood, with a breife of yo time,
place, county, etc., yo same to be disposed into such methode as
att ye next consultation shall be agreed upon.
" 5°. Item, That every one do endeavour
to borrowe of other strangers, with whom he hath interest, all
such bookes, notes,