rolles, deedes, etc., as lie can obteyne, as
well for any of his parteners as for himself.
" 6°. Item, Whereas itt is
entended, with, care, cost, and industry, to prfect up certeine
select, choise, and compleate treatises of armory and antiquityes,
which can not well be done without some preceding rough,
unpolished, and fowle original! coppyes: Itt is now agreed,
concluded, and mutually promised, that ye sd principall bookes so
compleated, shall not, upon forfeite of credite, be lent out from
among this society to any other person whatsoever.
" 7°. Item, That ye aforesd roughe
coppyes be not imparted to any stranger without ye gnrll consent
of this society.
" 8°. Item, That care be providently
had, not to lend, much lesse to parte with, any other peece,
treatise, booke, roll, deed, etc., unto any stranger, but to such
prsons, from whom some reasonable exchange probably be had or
" 9°. Item, That every of the rest
do send unto Sr Christopher Hatton a prfect [note] transcript of
all such heires femall of note as he can find, with ye probates of
every of them, to be methodized by him.
" 10°. Item, For ye better expediting of
these studyes, by dividing ye greate burden which through such
infinite variety of particulars would arise, to the discouragement
and oppressing of any one man's industry, itt is concluded and
agreed to part and divide these labours as followeth, viz. that Sr
Christopher Hatton shall take care to collect and register all old
roolles of, and old parchement bookes of armes, being of
equall valew, antiquity, and forme with yo rolles.
"11°. Item, For ye same reasons, that Sr Thomas
Shirley shall collect together and enter (att large or in breife,
according to such coppyes as can be had) all patentes and coppyes
of new grantes or confirmacons of armes and creastes.
" 12°. Item, For ye same reasons, that
Sr Edward Bering do gather and compose a full, compleate booke of
armes, by way of ordinary.
"13°. Item, For ye same reasons, that Mr.
Dugdall do collect and coppy all armoriall seales, with a breviate
of yo deedes, and ye true dimensions of ye seales.
" 14°. Item, For ye same reasons, that Sr
Edward Bering do, "sometime this somer, beginne a new system
or body of Armory, with such brevity, prspicuity, and proper
examples, as may best