be chosen: to which purpose ye other associates
have promised to send unto him such helpe, by way of originalls or
coppyes of all extraordinary formes of sheildes, charges,
supporters, augmentations, diminutions, differences, etc., as they
can furnish forth; the same to be reveiwed att ye next chapter.
"15°. Item, For ye same reasons, that Sr Thomas
Shirley do gather the names and armes of all (or as many as can be
had) •mayors, sheriffes, and aldermen of London and Yorke, and
of all other cittyes and townes, throughout all ages.
"16°. Item, For ye same reasons, that Sr
Christopher Hatton do collect together all names and armes of
knightes, to which purpose all ye rest of ye society are to send
unto him such supply as they have: except itt be for ye knightes
of King James and King Charles, which are, by ye paynes of Mr.
Anthony Bering, allready putt into good order, for which Sr Edward
Bering undertaketh.
" 17°. Item, Whereas many usefull and
pleasurable notes are passed and comunicated betweene ye foresd [schollers]
students of antiquity: Now, to ye intent that continuall recourse
may ever (as occasion shall arise) be had to ye study, bookes, and
collections of him that shall so send or impart ye same, for ye
iustifying of any transcript so received: and for ye more quicke
finding and reveiwe of ye same, itt is further concluded and
agreed, that every one shall forthwith fayrely marke every
severall booke, roll, treatise, deede, etc., in his library:
First, with one gnrrll note or marke of appropriation, whereby att
first veiwe to know ye owner thereof; and then, with such other
additionall marke as shall be thought fitt: that is to say,—Sr
Edward Bering to marke all such as belong unto him in
this forme1
Sr Christopher Hatton2 
Sr Thomas Shirley3
And Mr Bugdall thus 
And for petty small marks, these, in order as above, viz.,

" 18°. Item, "When any pvson receiveth any
transcript or note from another of this society, which he is to
keepe as his owne,
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 See page 59.