and thereof to make use, he shall imediately
marke ye same note, and all future transcripts thereof, with ye
cheife character or marke of the sender, as above; and ye
sender of every note shall take care that all notes by him sent
shall be written (as neare as may be) in ye same paper for size of
bignesse as he shall first use, whether ye note sent do fill ye
whole sheete or but a line therein.
" 19°. Item, Least that too much
care of sending one to another may begett some mistake in lending
one thing twice, itt is resolved and agreed, that he who sendeth
or lendeth any booke, note, or roll, etc., to any other of this
society, shall, att ye sending or returne of the same, marke
the same with ye principal! character or marke of the person
to whom he shall so lend itt; and if itt be coppyed out of any of
his bookes, then to
sett a litt le marke of ye same forme in yc margent of ye sa booke.
" 20°. Lastly, To prevent ye hazard of
loosing time, by ye trouble of severall men's taking coppyes of
one and yc same thing, itt is concluded and agreed, that whosoever
peruse any booke, treatise, or deed, etc., and do transcribe ye
same, he shall, att ye very last line, if it be booke or treatise,
etc., or on ye dorse or ye labell if itt be a deede, sett one of
these two
that is to say, if ye coppy be taken
verbatim, then ye capitall letter
but if breviated, then