The saltire was Sir Edward Bering's coat-armour, or rather the
coat of Morini, adopted by him.
2 " Sir Christopher
Hatton."—This was the first Lord Hattcon, so created 1643,
and great-great-grandson of John Hatton, brother of the
Lord-Keeper, temp. Eliz. The garb, his mark, was from Ms
coat-of-arms. He was Dugdale's first and great patron.
3 Sir Thomas Shirley's mark is the
coat of Shirley, paley a canton ermine.
4 "Mr. Dugdall."—The
great antiquary, Sir William Dugdale; his mark was from his
coat-of-arms, a cross moline.
In the recent sale of the library of the late
Cholmeley Dering, Esq. (the legatee of the personalties of his
father, Sir E. Dering, who died 1811), there were many books of
arms, and a transcript of all the early charters in the Surrenden
Collection, with the seals carefully tricked. These were a part of
the fruits of the above Resolutions; but a far more elaborate and
splendid volume probably owes its existence to the same source.
Dugdale, in his Life, by himself (p. 14, ed. 1827), says that in
the summer of 1641, he, "taking with him one Mr. William
Sedgwick, a skylfull armes paynter, repared first to the
Cathedrall of S' Paul, in the Citty of London, and next to the
Abbey Church of Westminster, and there making exact draughts of
all the monuments in each of them, copyed the Epitaphs, according
to the very letter, as alsoe all armes in the windows or cutt in
stone; and so done, rode to Peterborough in Northamptonshire, Ely,
Norwich, Lincolne, Newarke-upon-Trent, Beverley, Suthwell,
Kingston-upon-Hull, York, Selby, Chester, Lichfield, Tamworth,
Warwick, and did the like in all those Cathedrall, Collegiate,
Conventuall, and divers others parochiall Churches, wherein any
tombes or monuments are to be found, to the end that the
memory of them, in case of that ruine then imminent, might be
preserved for future and better times."
A note in the Ashmole Manuscript of this Life, No.
7501, says, "which drafts are in the custody of the Lord
The volume in which these "drafts " are
collected is one of exquisite beauty, and of inestimable value, as
the only existing record of monuments long since passed away, and
is happily preserved in our own. county, in the collection of the
Earl of Winchelsea, the representative of the Hattons, and with it
another of no less value, containing a large collection of
transcripts, made in facsimile, from ancient charters, with
drawings of the seals beautifully executed. These transcripts were
made for Sir C. Hatton, in 1640-1, and are above five hundred in
number, from
original charters, many of which are now lost. My valued friend
Sir Frederick Madden, to whose kindness I am indebted for the
principal materials of this note, tells me that formerly there
must have been still another volume of these precious records, for
Lord Winchelsea's manuscript does not contain Westminster, Ely,
Norwich, Beverley, or York.
The length of this note will, I hope, be pardoned,
considering the testimony which it bears to the valuable results
of this early society of antiquaries, thus founded by Sir Edward
Dering within the borders of our
own county.