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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858  page 204

Sir  Roger Twysdens Journal from the Roydon Hall MSS

clause in ye whole). The rest in generall agreede upon, certayn gentlemen were nominated to meete after supper, it beeing now evening, to draw them in to ye forme of a Petition. I was one of them, but could not attend the service, beeing my self ye night very ille. Going to my lodging through the Star, I met Mr. Blount of Blackheath, whom I perceived not satisfyed wth ye was intended, and he was the onely person I had scene so. I differd wth hym, but in wht particular I can not now call to mind; yet I was after, as I remember, questioned upon it.
   28. That night the Petition was drawne, but by who me can not of certayn affirme. The next day, hearing it was concluded, I went wth Mr. Spencer to 'ye Grand Jury, desiring such as had it remayning wth them would shew it us, that wee might as well agree to the expressions as the heads. Upon wdl, all to whom the drawing of it was committed met at a private howse' in. the towne, where it was considered of and past, not wa out alterations. I shall onely remember two :—1st, in the fourth head, where it is sayd, " Episcopall government had beene deduced and dispersed through all ye Christian world," it was thought fit, by reason of what Gerundensis writes, of some parts of Spayn not admitting Bishops, to change the word " through all" to " throughout" the Christian world, ij1y, In ye 12 head, it was desired, " no order of eyther or both howses might bee enforced on ye subject:" this, beeing conceived some limitation, was feared might be misliked, and was therefore thus qualified, " That no order of eyther or both howses, not grounded on the laws of ye land," etc.
   29. In short, there was not ought excepted against by any person whatsoever but was at this meeting amended, and a resolution taken to propound it next day publiquely in ye County, that if it wer liked it might bee delivered, well was done, Augustine Skinner,1 one of ye knights of yc shire, present, and shewing no

1   In the margin hero Sir Rogor writes, " 25 March, 1642."—Augustine

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