distast at it; and there again it receyved alterations. I
shall instance in one : In the third period, where the solemne Liturgy of our
Church was sayd " to have beene
celebrious by the piety of Holy Bishops and Martyrs
who composed it," to wch was added (following the statute
2d and 3d Ed. 6th cap. 1), " by the ayd of ye Holy
This was excepted against, as what at this tyme might
give offence. It was thought fit, therefore, to exclude the
expression. After all wch, it beeing agreede unto nemine
contradicente (and the Country expressing their desires
for the expediting of it, to have us repayr to Captayn
Skinner, Knight of the Shire, then present, and promising
not only hys forwarding of it in ye howse, but
seeming to approve what had past), there grewe a question
whither this petition should be represented from
the County to ye King, then at York. I declared myself
against it, as beeing for ye most what wee hoped,
by the howse's intercession, to obtayn of hys Maty. Thus
it was then finished: Yet, for that nothing humane is
so perfect at first it can receive no amendment, tyme
was taken tyll ye -next Quarter Sessions after Easter,
then to retract, correct, delete any thing in it, if ye Justices
in their severall Divisions should find ought generally misliked, or the Country then publikely disclayme
and disavoue what was thus assented to.
30. Heere, if1 the people doe not chuse Knights and
Burgesses (of whose power somewhat heereafter) wth an
intent to redresse their grievances by lawes, and not to
bee absolutely the Lords and Masters of their judgments,
as well in what is amisse, as obedience to the laws they
shall'establish; I should bee glad to learn how a County
could possibly petition in a more regular, orderly, inofensive
Skinner was of Totesham, in East
Farleigh, and on Sir Edward
expulsion, had been substituted for Mm as Knight of the shire.—ED.
1 Either "if" is intended to be used in
the sense of '"even if,"—"even
supposing that the people did not choose," etc., or
" not" should be omitted,
and the sentence should run thus, " if the people
choose," etc.—ED.