deprave it, and neglect tie use of it in diverse churches, in
despite of the lawes established.
iiii. Fourthly, that Episcopall government, as auntient
in this
Island as Christianyty itself deduced and dispersed throughout
the Christian world even from ye Apostolicall tyme, may be
preserved as the most pious, most prudent, and most safe
for the peace of the Church,
v. Fifthly, that all differences concerning religion and
may "be referred to a lawful!, free, nationall Synode,
and, as your Remonstrance1 promiseth, a General Synod of most
grave, learned, pious, and judicious divines, the proper Agents,
whose Interests, guifts, and callings may quicken them in that
great works, whose choise to bee by all ye Cleargy of the land,
beecause all ye Cleargy are to be bound by their resolutions;
and ye determinations of this Synod to bynd us all, when you
have first formed them into a law; and this we take to bee
to ye auntient fundamentall Lawes of this land, confirmed
by Magna Charta.
vi. Sixthly, that some speedy and good provision may bee
made, as by hys Maty hath beene, and is by all good men desired,
against ye odious and abominable scandall of scismaticall
and seditious sermons and pamphletts, and some severe lawe
made against Laymen for daring to arrogate to themselves,
and to exercise the holy function of ye Ministry, who some of
them do sowe their impious discontented doctrines even in sacred
places, by abuse of sacred Ordinances, to ye advancing
of Heresy, scisme, prophanesse, Libertinissme, Anabaptisme,
vij. Seventhly, that if the coercive power of
Courts, by way of Excommunication, be allready abrogated, or
shall bee thought fit so to bee, that there may bee some other
power and auctoryty speedyly established for the suppressing of
.the heynous and now so much abounding sinns of Incest, Adultery,
Fornication, and other Crimes, and for ye recovering of Tythes,
Repayring of Churches, Probate of Wills, Church
and providing of Bread and wine for ye Communion,
and choyce of Churchwardens and other offycers in ye Church,
and especyally for Ministers who neglect the celebrating of ye
holy Communion, and of Parishioners for not receiving.
1 Remonstrance to yc King, 15 December, 1641, of
ye state of ye kingdom. Collect, of Orders, torn, i., p. 19.—T.