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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858  page 208

Sir  Roger Twysdens Journal from the Roydon Hall MSS

   viij. Sightly, that the professors of that learned faculty of ye Civil Law, without wch this Kingdome cannot but suffer many inconvenyences, may not find discouragement, and so desert their studies and professions. 
   ix. Ninthly, that honor and profit, the powerfull incouragements of industry, learning, and piety, may bee preserved, wth out any farther diminution, to the Cleargy.
   x. That you please sadly to consider the bleeding wounds of our bretheren in Ireland, and wtu speedy succours indeavour to preserve them, whereunto hys Maty hath promised a gratious concurrence.
   xj. Eleventhly, that you please to frame an especiall law for the regulating ye Militia of this kingdom, so that the subject may know how at once to obey both hys Matte and the howses of Parliament, a law whereby may be left to ye discretion of governors as little as may bee; but that the number of Arms, and what measure of punishment shall bee inflicted on offenders, may bee expressly set downe in ye Act, and not left to any arbytrary power; and that, according to ye presidents of former lawes, the offenders may not bee tryed out of ye County.
   xij. Twelfly, that the pretious Liberty of the subject, the Common birth-right of every Englishman, may bee, as in all other poynts preserved intire, so in this allso; That no order of eyther or both howses, not grownded on ye Lawes of ye Land, may bee enforced on the subject, untill it be fully enacted by Parlyament.
   xiij. Thirteenthly, that hys Maties gratious message of the 20th
of January last, for ye present and future establishment of the priviledge of Parlyament, the free and quyat enjoying of our estates and fortunes, the Liberties of our persons, the security of the trwe religion professed, the marnteyning of hys Maties just and royall auctoryty, the establishing of hys revenue, may bee taken into speedy consideration : the effecting whereof will satisfy the desires of all us hys faithfull and loving subjects.
   xiv. Fourteenth, that all possible care may bee taken that ye native commodities of the kingdome may have a quick vent; and that clothing and other manufactures may bee improved, wherein the livelyhood of many thousands doe consist; Aid that trade may bee so balanced that the importation doe not exceede ye exportation, wch otherwise will in tyme prove the consumption of ye kingdome.

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