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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858  page 209

Sir  Roger Twysdens Journal from the Roydon Hall MSS

   xv. Fiefteenth, that you pleas to frame some lawes concerning depopulations, pourveyance, Cart-taking, delayes in Justice, Traffick, Fishing on the coast, fulling earth, that our sea Ports may bee repayred, and our Magazines renewed. 
   xvj. Sixteenth, that you pleas to consider the generall poverty that seemes to overgrow the Land. 
   xvij. Lastly, we humbly beeseech you to consider the sad condition that wee and the whole land are in, if a good understanding bee not speedyly renewed beetween hys Maty and the howses of Parlyament.
      Our hopes are yet above our fears; secure them wee beseech you.
      God direct and blesse your consultations for ye remoeving of all
      distrusts and jealousies, and for renewing that tye of confidence
      and trust wch is the highest liappinesse beetween a most gratious
      Prince, and us his loving people.
         And you shall have the dayly prayers of your humble Orators
       ye Commons of Kent."
   It is desired that whosoever doe deliver forth any copy, that he doe testyfy the same to bee a trwe Copy.
   For ye expediting this Petition, it is desired that the gentlemen in their severall Divisions doe agree upon one amongst themselves, to receive ye Copies of all these Petitions, and all subscriptions, beetweene this and Easter Sessions at Maydstone; and that all ye Gentry of Kent doe meete at Blackheath, on Fryday morning, the 29th of Aprill, at nine of ye clock, in the morning, at the farthest, from thence to accompany this petition to the howse. 
   This was all publiquely read, agreed unto, and concluded, at the Assizes at Maydstone, on the 25 March, 1642.
   32. This is all that past at Maydstone, wch I have set downe with every particular, ye after tymes (if at least this should outlive ye present age) may judge whither the offence was of ye transcendency, it were fit to cause any man, not otherwise culpable, to bee in sequestration (worse then a Premunire) to lye under a tedious and chargeable imprizonment, and whether nurs 12 and 13 may not deserve consideration in Parlyament for securing ye subject in future. For my part I will not heere

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