VII – (5)
[12th May, 1196, 7 Ric. I.]
(The Abbot and Convent of Boxley quitclaim to Osbert de Longchamp
and Aveline his wife the land of Wenhella [i.e. Ovenhill],
for which the
said Osbert and Aveline give them six marts ; also two shillings
rent in Cuciddemill, so that the only claim of Osbert and Aveline therein
shall be the "mulctura" of their house in Helinton [i.e. Allington]; also two
shillings yearly from the land of Oxefrid, from which Aveline's
only paid one shilling. They also release to the Abbot and Convent
right which they claimed in the houses of Paris, Archdeacon of
on the Thames, in London, and the right which they claimed in the
of the park-keepers of Boxley. They also grant to the monks the
right of free fishing in the Medway opposite their land.)
Hec est finalis concordia facta in Curia domini Regis apud
Westmonasterium, dominica tercia post Pascham, anno regni Regis
Racardi vij°.
. . . . et G. Roffensi, Episcopis, et R.
Herefordensi, et R. Eliensi, Archdiaconis, Thoma de Husseburn, Osberto filio
Hervic . . . . . . erd, tunc Justiciariis, et aliis fidelibus domini
Regis tunc ibi presentibus.
Inter R. ABBATEM de BOXELE, et Conventum . . . . .
per eundem Osbertum, positum loco suo ad lucrandum vel perdendum.
De terra de [WENHELI.A] .
. . . . . . fuit inter eos in prefata Curia, scilicet, quod predictus
ABBAS et CONVENTUS de BOXELE quietum clamaverunt prefatis OSBERTO et
AVELINE . . . . suis totum jus et clamium quod habuerunt in predicta terra de
WENHELLA,1 cum pertinenoiis.
Et pro hac fine et concordia et quieta clamancia, . .
. . . .
et AVELINA uxor ejus dederunt jam dicto ABBATI et CONVENTUI
vj marcas sterlingorum. Et preterea, dederunt eis,
in puram et perpetuam elemosynam, ij solidos de redditu in
molendino de CUCIDDEMILLE, annuatim solvendos, ad ij terminos,
scilicet ad Pascham, medietatem, et aliam medietatem, ad
festum Sancti Michaelis. Ita quod OSBERTUS et AVELINA vel
neredes sui, nichil poterunt clamare in predicto niolendino, nisi
mulcturam domus proprie de HELINTON.2 Et si conquerantur
1 This is the manor afterwards called Ovenhill, in Boxley.
2 Allington Castle.