XIV — (12)
[4th June, 1197, 8 Ric. I.]
(The apportionment of half a knight's-fee in the manor of Fleet,
near Richborough, between Elias de Bello Campo and Constance Bolebec
his wife, plaintiffs, and Ruellinus de Abrincis, tenant. This
Ruellinus probably
was either the husband or son of the sister of Constance Bolebec,
and the two ladies were coheiresses.)
Heo est finalis concordia faota in Curia domini Regis apud
Westmonasterium, die Mercurii proxima post festum Sancte
Trinitatis, anno regni Regis Ricardi yiij°.
Coram H. Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, Radulpho
Ricardo Elyensi . . . . Magistro Thoma de Husseburne,
Ricardo de Heriet, Osberto filio Hervei, Simone de Patishill,
Ogero filio Ogeri, Justiciaries, et aliis fidelibus domini Regis
ibidem tune presentibus.
suam, petentes, et RUELLINUM DE ABRINCIS, tenentem.
De dimidio feodo unius militus, cum pertinenciis, in
Unde placitum fuit inter eos in prefata Curia, scilicet quod
medietas tocius dimidii feodi militis predicti, in omnibus rebus,
cum dominatu remanet ELYE predicto, et CUSTANCIE uxori sue, et
heredibus eorum: Scilicet, capitale mesuagium, et tota terra
que est infra muros de RATTEBUBG,2 et una acra que est extra
muros versus meridiem occidentalis introitus muri, et orientalis
pars campi qui vocatur CNOLLA, et septentrionalis pars campi
qui est versus septentrionem a campo prenominato de CNOLLA,
et septentrionalis pars campi qui vocatur CLAURE, et meridionalis
pars campi qui est versus meridiem a spinis, et septen-
Regis, quandoque scutagia, quandoque servitium domini
Regis, et
forinsecum dici potest, quia fit et capitur foris, sive extra
servitium quod
fit domino capitali."—Bracton, lib. ii. cap. 16. There are
instances, however,
in which " forinsecum servitium" seems to have belonged
to others
than the King; perhaps in that ease it is the service for which
the tenant
of the mean Lord is liable to the chief or paramount Lord, or the
which the Lord could claim from his tenants to perform on some
of his manors than that within which they resided. But there seems
uncertainty about it; at all events, as in scutage, it was not a
fixed, but an
irregular and uncertain service.
1 i.e. The manor of Meet, near
in the parish of Ash.
2 ž Racceburg—Richborough.