Consistory Court of Rochester, Administration Act
Book, July 1791.
Hodsoll, formerly Tassell, Frances. The 21st day
administration of the effects of Frances Hodsoll, formerly of Town
Malling, co. Kent, spinster, but late of Hadlow, same county,
deceased, granted to William Hodsoll her lawful husband. Sworn under
5 l.
Bill of Complaint, dated 2 May 1657.
"To the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners
for the custody of the greate Scale of England.
"In most Humble manner Complaining doe shew vnto
your good Lordshipps your daly poore distressed Orat. William
Hodsoll and Thomas Hodsoll two of ye eldest sonnes and coheirs in
Gauelkinde according to ye Custome of Kent of William Hodsoll, late
of Igtham in ye said Countie of Kent, gentlem., and of Jane his
wife, as well on their owne behalfes as on the parte and behafe of
Manly, ffrancis, Henry, John and Maxfeild Hodsoll, five more of ye
sonnes and coheirs in Gauellkinde of them ye said William and Jane,
beeing yett vnder ye age of 21 yeares, and to which five the said
William and Thomas are Gardivns specially admitted that whereas
Thomas Hodsoll late of Igtham aforesaid, your Oratours Grandefather
about 16 or 17 yeares agoe was lawfully seized in his demesne as of
fee of and in a certaine Capitall Messuage or Tenements with ye appurtenance
called Georges and of and in 60 acres of lande
meadow pasture and woodgrounde therevnto, beelonging and therewith
vsually occupied and enioyed of ye cleare yearely vallue of
40 li. a yeare, besides all charges, scituate lying and
beeing in Igtham aforesaid, and beeing soc seized as aforesaid and
wanting money to supply his necessity did repaire vnto one Anthony
Hobbes of. Orpington in the said Countie of Kent geń" etc.
"The joynct and severall Answres of Anne
French, widdowe, and ffrancis ffrench
the younger,
by ffrancis ffrench th’elder, guardian to ffrancis
the younger,
defendants to the bill of Complainte
of William Hodsall and Thomas Hodsall in
their owne behalfes complainants, as well as Mandy,
ffrancis, Henry, John and
Maxfield Hodsall, by their guardians, complainants."
"theis defendants "—" say, that they doe
beleive that Thomas Hodsall late of Ightham in the county of Kent,
gent., mencioned in the said bill of Complainte to be the complainants’
grandfather, was in his life time, that is to say, about twenty
and nyne yeare since, seized in his demeasne, as of fee simple, or
of some other estate of inheritance, of and in one messuage or
tenement, with the appurtenances, called or knowne by the name of
Georgies, scituate, lyeing and being at Heavy Hatch in the said
parishe of Ightham; and of and in two barnes, one gatehowse, one
malthowse, and other buildings and edifices to the said messuage or
tenement belonging, and reputed parte or parcell thereof; and alsoe
of and in fower orchards and twelve parcells of land and wood
conteineing in them all by estimacion fforty acres more or lesse to
the said |