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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 14  1882  page 230

Wills and other Records relating to the Family of Hodsoll by James Geenstreet

messuage or tenement neere adjoyneing and lyeing, and being togeather in Ightham aforesaid; and alsoe of and in one other barne [should be called ffurminichers" ], with the appurtenances, scituate and being in Ightham aforesaid, over against the aforesaid messuage ; and of and in one herbe garden and two parcells of land conteining by estimacion seaven acres, more or lesse, lyeing togeather in Ightham aforesaid; and alsoe of and in six other severall parcells of land and wood called or knowné by the names of Peckham, Broomes, and Dichers, or by what other name or names they or any of them are, or have bine called or knowne, conteineing in. the whole, by estimacion, twenty and fower acres, Which said premisses or parte thereof theis defendants take to be the messuage, lands, and premisses mencioned in the said bill of Complainte, And being thereof soe seized, the said Thomas Hodsall, as theis defendants beleive, and soc hope to prove, did, by the name of Thomas Hodsall, of Ightham, in the county of Kent, gent., and Dorothy his wife, by their deed dated the sixteenth of October in the ffifthe yeare of the reigne of our late soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles over England etc., for the consideration of one hundred and ffower score pounds of lawfull money of England, to them in hand by Anthony Hobbs of Ightham aforesaid, gent., well and trudy paied, Did alsoe give, grante, bargaine, and sell unto the said Anthony Hobbs the said messuage, landes, and premisses, and the revercion and revercions, remainder and remainders of all and every the said premisses and of every part and parcell thereof, To have and to hold the said messuage," etc., "unto the said Anthony Hobbs, his heirs and assignes," etc., "for ever, With a Provisoe therein conteined, that if the said Thomas Hodsall, his heires, executors or administrators, or any of them should well and truely content and pay, or cause to be paied unto the said Anthony Hobbs, his heirs," etc., "At or in the then dwellinghouse of the said Thomas Hodsall, scituate in Ightham aforesaid, the full sume of one hundred ffouer score fouertene pounds and eight shillings of lawfull Englishe mony on the eighteenth day of October which was in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and thirtye, that then the said Indenture of bargaine and sale, guifte, and graunte should be utterly void to all intents and purposes whatsoever, with divers others covenants therein conteined (as) more at lardge may appeare, And doe beleive that within some short time after the makeing of the said Conveyance, he the said Thomas Hodsall dyed, haveing yssue of his body, as theis defendants are informed, at the tyme of his decease, William Hodsall, the complainants’ ffather, whoe was his eldest sonne, and Stephen Hodsall and Henry Hodsall, unto whome the equitie of redempcion did perteyne as being brothers, and heires in Gavelkinde unto the said Thomas Hodsall their late ffather. And theis defendants doe further say, that they doe beleive that the complainants ffather was lefte in debt by the complainants’ grandfather, and that he the said William Hodsall could not tell well howe to redeeme the said messuage and lands; and haveing, as theis defendants verily beleive, about the time of his father’s decease, marryed with one. of the daughters of Henry Maundy the elder, of  Sundrishe, in the said county, yoman, with whome he had, as these defendants beleive, a good furtune, And the said Henry Maundy finding the said messuage, landes, and premisses, ingaged and forfeited, did, as theis defendants have heard, paie in the monyes due unto the said Anthony Hobbs; And thereuppon, as theis defendants beleive, the said William Hodsall and Anthony Hobbs, by their Conveyance good in Lawe, beareing date the ffirst day of October in the tenth yeare of the raigne of our late soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles over England etc., by the name of William Hodsall, of Ightham, in the county of Kent, gent., and Anthony Hobbs, of Bromely, in the said county, gent., thereby reciteing that for and in consideration of the sume of three hundred and thirtie poundes of lawfull Englishe mony," etc., "payed by the said Henry Maundy the elder and Henry Maundy his sonne, that is to say, one hundred and ffower score pounds thereof to the said Anthony Hobbs, and the residue thereof to the said William Hodsall, the receipt whereof they did thereby acknowledge, Did grant, alyene, sell, enfeoffe, and confirme unto the said Henry Maundy the elder and Henry Maundy his sonne, their heires and assignes the said messuage, lands, and premisses, To have and to hold the said

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