messuage or tenement lands, and premisses, with the
appurtenances, unto the said Henry Maundy the elder and Henry Maundy
his sonne, their heires ,and assignees for ever, With divers other
Covenants therein conteined (as), referrence being thereunto had,
more at lardge may appeare. Which said deed soe made as aforesaid by
the complainants ffather and the said Anthony Hobbs was an
absolute conveyance and had noe Provisoe or condicion for redempcion
of the premisses on the payment of any sume or sumeso of money
whatsoever, neither doth it thereby appeare that it should be void
upon the payment of the said sume of three hundred and thirty
pounds, with damage for forbearance, and theis defendants further
say that they have heard that the said Henry Maundy the elder, soone
after the said deed was soe made as aforesaid, dyed, And that the
said Henry Maundy the younger him survived, by reason whereof, as
theis defendants are informed, the said Henry Maundy the
younger became wholely estated in the said premisses, and he being
soe seized did, as it is related, and as they hope to prove, procure
the said Stephen Hodsall and Henry Hodsall, the two younger sonns of
the said Thomas Hodsall, by their deed Poll beareing date the
seaventeenth day of Aprill in the three and twentieth yeare of the
said late King Charles etc., to graunte and release all their
estate, tytle, interest, use, possession, power, possibilitie of
redempcion, condicion, property, claime, and demaund, whatsoever,
which they had or could claime in the said messuage and lands,"
etc., "And theis defendants further say that they
have bine informed that the said William Hodsall did much ymportune
the said Henry ffrench to lend him three hundred pounds, and for
security thereof he would procure the said Henry Maundy to convey
parte of the said premisses unto him the said Henry ifrench; uppon
which ymportunity he condiscended, And thereuppon it was agreed that
a conveyance to be executed by ffyne should be made of all the said
premisses, and parte thereof should be lymitted to the said Henry
ffrench and his heires, and the other parte thereof should be setled
on the said William Hodsall and Jane his wife, as hereafter is
expressed. And for that purpose an Indenture tripartite, beareing
date the third day of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six
hundred forty and seaven, and made betweene the said Henry
Maundy and Anne his wife, the said Anthony Hobbs, by the name
of Anthony Hobbs, of Orpington, in the said county, gent., and Anne
his wife, of the first parte, and the said William Hodsall and Jane
his wife of the second parte, and the said Henry ffrench this defendante
Annes husband of the third parte, thereby reciteing that in
consideracion of the sume of three hundred pounds of lawfull mony of
England payed by this defendante Annes husband according as
therein is appointed it should be payed for the setling of a
competent joyncture of some parte of the landes on the said Jane the
wife of the said William Hodsall, And for other consideracions
therein expressed, all the said parties did grante, bargaine, sell,
enfeoffe, and confirme unto the said Henry ffrench his heires and
assignes All the said premisses soe first granted unto the said
Anthony Hobbs, To have and to hold the said messuage, lands,
tenements, hereditaments and premisses, with the appurtenances, unto
the said Henry ffrench his heires and assignes, To the severall
uses, intents, and purposes in the said deed and hereafter
expressed, that is to say, Of, for and concerninge the said barne
called ffurmingers barne, and all those seaven peices or parcells of
land, meddowe, and pasture called ffirmingers, Beards, Ditchers, and
the fouer Peckhams Broomes, conteining by estimacion three and
thirty acres, To the only propper use and behoofe of the said
William Hodsall and Jane his wife for and during the terme of their
two naturall lives and the life of the longest liver of them, for
the joyncture of the said Jane and in satisfaccion of her dower, And
from and after their deceases to the only propper use and behoofe of
the right heires of the said William Hodsall for ever-which are the complainants
as these defendants take it, And of, for, and Concerning
the said messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, called
Georgies, to, geather with the malthouse, gatehouse, workhouse,
barne, stable, outhouses, edifices, arid buildings thereunto
belonging, And also two yards, one garden, and two orchards,
thereunto adjoyneing and apperteineing, conteineing by estimacion
about two acres, And likewise all those foresaid eight severall
peices or parcells of land, meaddowe, pasture, and woodground,
commonly called Marfeild, the |