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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 19 - 1892  Index to Volumes 1 to 18   Page 288V

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.


Vabadun, Aveline do, wife of Richard (1196), 1, 229.
Vacabond, Richard, of Romney, 17, 23.
Vagge, John, 17, 24.
Vaghan, Joan, 15, 291; John, of Gravesend, 7, 236; Wm., 15, 291; Sir William, 10, 157.
Vaqniacae, conjectures as to its site, 1, 2, 8, 154,174,175; 10, 170-171; 11, xlii, xliii; 15, 68-70; 17, 209; at Springhead, 18, 177-188; possible derivation of the name, 177-9.
Vale, Friswity and Robert, 11, 157; John, 18, 37; Robert (1521), 10, 235; Wm. (1469), 190.
Valence, Earls of Pembroke, 10, 134, 259, 260.
Valence, Adomar (Aylmer) de, 10, 134, 259, 274; 11, xlvi, 60; 12, 297; 16, 32; monument of Aylmer de, 2, 142; widow of A., 10, 144, 146; Anne or Agnes, 260; Isabel de, 259, 274; Joan de, ib.; Lady Joan de, 134, 142; Wm. de, 4, 316; 10, 259, 274, 278, 279; 12, 215; Sir Wm. de, 5, 294; 6,242; Viscount, 15, 245.

Valenis (Valence?), Alan do, 10, 279.
Valerian, coins of, 14, 368.
Valoigns (Valoynes, Valeins, Valoins, Valuinnes), 2, 106, 315; 11, 310; 15, 30; 16, 166; arms, 3, 143; quartering Fogge, 2, 109; impaling Fogge (Cheriton), 18, 358.
Valoigns, Christina de, 18, 340; Elena, 11, 317; 13, 301; Gunnora de, 10, 133; Guy de, 15, 5; Hamo de, 10, 139; 11, 313; 12, 200, 217; Henry de, 10, 130, 182; 11, 351; 13, 317-18; 14, 50, 251; 18, 340; Isabella, 10, 143; John de, 115; 11, 313; 15, 364; 16, 35, 166; Margaret do, 10, 132; Margery, 13, 317; 14, 251; Matilda, 10, 122, 126; Peter de, 273; Richard de, 15, 5; Robert de, 3, 240; 10, 109, 143; 11, 313; 15, 364; Stephen de, a special commissioner, T., 3, 69; Stephen de, 15, 5; Thomas de, 10, 135; 11, 353; Walter de, 10, 109, 143; Waresius, son of Thos. de, 139; Waresius or Waretius, 228, 230; 11, 317, 351, 353; 12, 207, 219; 13, 301; 14, 198; 15, 5, 8, 29; 18, 358; Sir Waresius de, 10, 119; William de, 134; (Valons), William le, 228; Wm. de, 12, 199; 15, 8, 18; 16, 166.

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