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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 19 - 1892  Index to Volumes 1 to 18   Page 289

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Valuinnes…. selin de (1219), 2, 315.
Van Acker, Abraham, 18, 29; John, ib.
Van Dalen, Cornelis, 11, 161.
Vandals, the, defeated by the Goths, 8, 22; allowed to settle in Pannonia, 23.
Vanden Steene, Nicholas, 18, 33.
Vander Bempde, 16, 52, 56.
Van der Velde, William, with the Dutch fleet in the Medway (1667), 6, ‘70 n; his sketches in the British Museum, ib.; his picture of the battle of Sole Bay, 15, 147.
Van Dyck (Vandyke), tapestry portrait of, 9, xlix; his pictures at Cobham Hall, 11, 175, 177-180, 183, 186.
Vane, Agnes, of Tudeley, 11, 404; Anne, 18, 330; Dame Elena (alias Somerset), 20; Frances, Lady, 17, 356; Geo., of Tudeley, 11, 402; George, 17, 228; Jno. de, 13, 127; Robt. de, ib.; Thomas, 11, 143.
Vane, Sir Henry, the elder, of Fair Lawn (Treasurer, 1642), 1, 210; 2, 181, 185; 4, 183, 186; Sir Henry, junior, member for Hull, 2, 181, 183; 4, 131,183; 9, 32 n.
Vanella (Venella F), Ric. de, W., 4, 208.
Vanga, Sweden, stone with Runic inscription, 8, 204.
Van Heythusen, Mary (1869), 18, 293.
Vanlore, Ann, 16, 52; Sir Peter, 52, 55, 56.
Vannere, Johanna, 14, 250; Michael le, ib.
Van Somer, portraits by, 11, 182.
Varins, what, 2, 119.
Vassour, John, Vicar of Eltham, 18, 351.
Vaudois Protestants, brief for, 14, 219.
Vaughan, Cuthbert, his two-handed sword, 4, 497; married the relict of William Twysden, 239 ; 11, 143; Richard, 4, 192; Sir Thomas, Mayor of Dover (1519), 10, cxi.
Vaulting spans less than twenty feet wide until circa A.D. 1150, 13, 30.
Vaus, see Vaux.
Vausura, a vaulting, 2, 123.
Vautlet, Lodowiok, 11, 242; Madame, 243.
Vaux (Vaus), 11, 310, 336; Johanna, 336; Joan, 15, 309; heirs of John de, 10, 150; William de, 11, 336; 15, 309.
Vauxhall manor, 13, 546.
Vavathur, Joan, wife of Manger de, her portion, how forfeited, 6, 239.

Vayrom, Robert (1473), 10, 61.
Vedolf, John, 17, 79, 95, 108.
Veel (or Vel), Johanna, 14, 253; John le, 253; Juliana le, 18, 350, 351; Richard le,10,147; 12, 225; Winandus le, 18, 350, 351; Winant, 14, 253.
Veeles manor, 10, 147.
Veille, Ricd. la, 14, 269.
Veilleville, Roland de, 16, 233.
Velvet, in 1552, 8, 94; in 1658-63, 17, 326, 351.
Venantius Fortunatus, his notice of Runic writing, 8, 230 and n.
Venell, Dorothy, 14, 99.
Venella, street at Rochester, 18, 197; see Taflella.
Venesoun (Venysoun), Alexander, 13, 290; Johanna, 18, 340; John, son of Alexis, :10, cxxxvii; John, 13, 290; Robert, 18, 340. Venice, its pile foundations, 4, 41. Venysoun, see Venesoun. Verdon (Verdun), Laurence (1428), 14, 121; Nicholas de, 10, 100; Theobald de, 16, 32, 33.
Vere, Adelida or Adeliza, wife of Robert de, 10, 2, 269 et seq.; Agnes (1412), 247; Aubrey de, 16, 44; Bernard de, 10, 269; Gaufridus do, 271, 273, 274; Hugh de, 143, 146, 148, 155; Maud de, 13, 371; Robert de, Duke of Ireland, 371; Thos., 370.
Vere, Earl of Oxford, arms at Knob, 9, xliv; Hugh de (1264), 5, 292; John de, Earl of Oxford, 13, 370.
Verieu, John, Rector of Sandhurst, 18, 422 and n
Vernard, John, 14, 290.
Vernon, Thomas, 18, 385.
Veronese, Paul, and his pictures at Cobham Hall, 11, 164, 166, 167, 169-172.
Verrall, Francis, 16, 197, 199, 200, 201-3; John, 185-7; Mr., 186-7, 198, 200, 205.
Vertinell, (Bands) et Gumphse (Rides), 2, 125, 128, 130, 132.
Vertu, Thomas, a brother of St. Martin’s Priory, Dover (1534), 7, 281.
Verularnium, 15, 39, 42.
Veryer, Peter, 10, 117.
Vescy, Margaret, 15, 20; Wan i.
Vestments in Kentish churches (1552), 8, 93-163; 9, 267-84; 10, 282-97; 11, 409-16; 14, 290-312; their great variety and richness, 8, 93; sold continued

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