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Archaeologia Cantiana
 -  Vol. 32  1917  page 112


our souls. Residue to Robert my brother. Ex’ors: Nicholas (sic) Hawlott my father and Robert Paramor. Feoffees same as ex’ors. That John Hawlott my brother have my tenement at the church stile of Reculver, and four acres of grounds called Lytelwoddis fields in Reculver when he comes to the full age of sixteen years, and to his heirs for ever.* Richard (sic) Hawlott my father have and receive the profits from the tenement, etc., until my brother come to that age, but if John die without issue, then to Robert my brother and his heirs for ever.
Probate 3 February 1493-4. (Con. vol. 3, fol. 365.)

   30 January 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard of Reculver. To the Light of St. Mary, one ewe. Son John have my boat (simbarn) and deep weir. Daughters Alice, Margaret, Isabella and Joane, each have twenty ewes; and Joane the daughter of my brother John Hawlott, one ewe or ram; Agnes the daughter of Thomas Hawlott my brother, one ewe. Wife Joane have my weirs by the land, with all thereto. Ex’ors: wife Joane and son John, with Leonard Eglisfield, vicar of Reculver, overseer. Feoffees:
John Hawlott my brother, and William son of the said

John Rawlott of Reculver, James Hicks, junior, and Saunder Hike of Herne. Wife Joane have my instuff of household, and all my lands and tenements in the borough of Byltyng for her life, except two acres of land at Culverhouse which son John have with my boote (boat) and deep weir, so that John provide a priest to sing for me in the church of Reculver for quarter of a year. If my ex’ors sell my part of my Cache‡, then my brother John shall buy it afore any other; and if any daughter die under age, then my wife Joane have their part of the sheep. After the death of my wife, all my lands and tenements remain to my sons John, Thomas, and Christopher equally, but if they die without issue then to be sold, and half the money to the marriage of my daughters, and the other half be disposed in Reculver Church for our souls.
Probate 15 April 1499.                (Con. vol. 5, fol. 13.)
  * John Hawlott lived at Herne, where he died in 1528 and was buried, having married Agnes, the daughter of Philip Studde, by whom a son John. Their sister Rose was living in 1528. See Archaeologia Cantiana, Vol. XXX., pp. 118-9.
Son of John Hawlott who died in 1479.
The "Cache" or ketch was his boat which his brother John bought. See next Will.

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