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Archaeologia Cantiana
 -  Vol. 32  1917  page 113


JOHN HAWLOTT,* senior.
   15 December 1504. Buried in the churchyard of Reculver. To the Light of the Name of Jesu, 2d. Richard son of John Newe have one ewe. That my wife Joane have the half-part of my ship (navem) called the Cache with the apparatus to the same belonging, and my son William the other part of my ship, etc. Residue of moveables after paying debts, etc., to wife Joane, who with son William my ex’ors. Feoffees of lands and tenements: Alexander Cobbe and Robert Hawlott. Son John have my tenement at Beltyng with five acres of land thereto, on condition he pay unto my wife Joane 4s. yearly during her life, when the crops be from the land. Son William have a croft of six acres at Beltynge, paying to Joane 5s. yearly. Witnesses: Sir John Michell, chantry-priest, Thomas Gefferey, William Ottynge.
Probate 7 April 1505. (Con. vol. 8, fol. 48.)

   30 July 1505. Buried in the churchyard of Reculver. On the day of burial five masses: The Mass of St. Mary, of the Holy Spirit, of the Trinity, of the Name of Jesus, and of 

Requiem with exequies; also the same day there be distributed among the poor and needy, 6s. 8d. On the day of my trental thirty masses called the Trental and among the poor and sick, 6s. 8d.; on the day of my anniversary five masses as on the day of my burial. To the buying of a silver cross for the church, 26s. 8d.; to the Light of St. John the Baptist, 8d. That Isabelle -my wife have all the "utensilia" in the aule, camera, and kitchen, twenty-five ewes, two cows, one young ox, four quarters of corn and four of barley. Son John have twenty ewes at the next Feast of St. Michael after my death; and son Thomas twenty ewes when he is sixteen years of age; sons Robert and John have my small vessel or boat (naviculum) called The Cache, with all its apparatus, between them equally.. Ex’ors: sons Robert and John, also have residue of goods after paying debts, etc. Feoffees of my lands and tenements: James Hiks, Thomas Hawlott, John Evering, Richard Consaunt, Robert Hawlott. That son Robert have my tenement at Beltynge called Gefferays, twelve acres of arable land, twelve acres of pasture next to the same tenement; with a fiode-were and two ebbe werys (weirs).
  * Son of John who died 1479, and brother Hamon.

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