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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          War and Peace 1914—1939     Page 23

   Not only did the First World War (which had only a little effect on the school) start in the year 1914, but the only existing Log Book also starts in the same year. It’s first entry dated 12th October reads ‘Report from the Diocesan Inspector – H.J. Powell, very good.’
   That there was a previous log-book to this is proved without a doubt, Miss. Wright gave several examples of entries and also said that it was in the school when she left in March 1940. Three months later, when Miss Davies arrived, it had disappeared, and she wrote to say that she believed it had been burnt. Miss Hodges, who, as supply during these three months, could have thrown some more light

onto the whereabouts of the Log, died in 1954. It is not in any of the Archive Offices, nor is it at the National Society or the Ministry of Education. So one can only assume that it has in fact been destroyed. This is unfortunate, especially when Miss Wright said it was so interesting. However, although she read it through when she was Headmistress, she cannot remember when it started.1
   Miss Wright, according to her report in the Log Book, found it very hard to get the school settled. Her time as Headmistress is a succession of new assistant
   1 Miss Wright’s complete letter on this and other subjects
       concerned with the school at this time can be read in
       appendix 11

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