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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          War and Peace 1914—1939     Page 24

teachers; inexperience on the part of the Monitors that were there under the monitorial system and complaints from various parents. In 1914 a complaint of this nature was received to the effect that the children were allowed to play cards. However Miss Wright’s explanation that ‘in wet muddy weather some of the children played whist during the dinner hour, but since an objection has been made by one of the parents, this has been stopped,2 satisfied the Managers. Then in 1915 Miss Stanley left and her place was taken by Miss Skudder. She had not been at the school for more than seven weeks when Miss Wright records in the Log Book that ‘It is impossible to keep strictly to the time table in class three due to lack of

experience by new teacher.3
   Apart from these difficulties the school run smoothly. The inspector’s reports became satisfactory; it closed for the holidays and for such reasons as bad weather and epidemics, and there were the successes; ‘The two girls Mabel Hamilton and Florence Costen, who entered for the Scholarship Examinations for free places at the School of Domestic Economy Bromley, have successfully passed. They can derive no benefit however, as the Kent Education Committee has closed the Domestic Economy School.4
 2 Minutes of the School Managers’ Meeting June 14th 1914.
  3 School Log Book, April 12th 1915.
  4 Op cit. October 12th 1915.

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