The discovery
and excavation of a Late Iron-Age and Early Roman Farmstead at
Viewpoint, Wellfield, Hartley, Kent 1975/76 and 1984
Animal Bones -
VP 51. Cattle skull fragment, weight 25 grams.
Cattle left tibia, distal end, weight 100 grams
Cattle right metacarpus, proximal end, weight 64 grams.
Cattle jaw left mandible, proximal end, weight 26 grams.
Cattle rib fragment, weight 7 grams.
Cattle 13 shaft fragments, weight 132 grams.
Sheep skull fragment, weight 2 grams.
Sheep right radius, distal end, weight 8 grams.
Sheep right radius, proximal end, weight 6 grams.
Sheep right tibia, distal end, weight 7 grams.
Sheep newborn right humerus, weight 2 grams.
Sheep shaft fragment, weight 8 grams.
Sheep jaw left maxilla, P4, M1 M2, weight 7
Sheep 5 fragments unidentified bone, weight 23 grams.
Sheep rib, weight 8 grams.
Pig rib, weight 11 grams.
Unidentified burnt assorted bone, weight 40
The animal bone from the excavations was kindly examined and catalogued by
Albert Daniels 2012