caster," in the last of the above items, must refer to him,
and not to his son Henry, then long, because the latter
had been in exile ever since his father's death.
Allowing then, as these extracts seem to prove, that
the letter S was of the livery of the Duke of Lancaster,
and looking at the practice of the time, it seems at first
sight more probable that an emblem or badge of honour,
adopted by any individual, would be expressive of some
sentiment or connected with some armorial bearing,
rather than the mere designation of an office.
Thus, in the same Inventory, we find the collar of the
King of France, with the emblem of the broom-cod
(cosses de geneste);1
the collar of Richard's first
Anne, with branches of rosemary;2 the livery of the Duke of York, bearing links, or
fetterlocks, and falcons;
3 and two collars, unnamed of whom, embroidered
with the word " plesance."4 On several other articles
in this Inventory we find initials inscribed. There are
twenty-six " quiller d'argent," marked with the letter
P; 5
also two little silver cruets, gilt and enamelled at the
top, with the letters A and U;6 also two letters of C,
each with three "troches," each "troche"
with four
pearls, and in each letter one little sapphire:7 but all
these are probably the initials of names. Two instances
also occur in the same document of the use of the letter
S, without any apparent connection with the House of
Lancaster. These are—
" Item, un salet d'argent ennorer en manere d'un faucon
coronez et entour le cole lettres de S steant sur un
terage plein de lyons, cerfs, et autres diverses bestes."8
" Item, 1 autre seynture d'or, le tissu noir garnis ove
roses blankes et ove R et S, et petitz sonatz."9
That King Richard on some occasions wore the collar
1 Kalendars and Inventories of the Exchequer,
vol. iii. p. 357.
2 Ibid.
4 Ibid., p. 353.
6 Ibid., p. 333.
8 Ibid.,
p. 324..
3 Ibid., p. 347. 5
Ibid., p. 321. 7 Ibid., p.
345. 9 Ibid., p. 338.